MnSEED: A Native Plant Community Science Project

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The Minnesota State Horticultural Society , Como Community Seed Library and the Saint Paul Seed Circle are collaborating on a effort this season to support gardeners’ efforts to save seeds from native plants they are identifying and seed saving. It's called the MnSEED Native Plant Community Science Project. Generously funded by a Capitol Region Watershed District Partnership Grant, the offerings for folks who participate include:

~A set of workshops covering plant identification, how to use iNaturalist to track participants’ sites, and native seed propagation for the 2022 season. (first one on May 11th)

~A MNSEED iNaturalist project where participants learn to use iNaturalist to identify and create an inventory of the existing plants in their site, and at the same time will create a regional database of native plants cultivated and naturally dispersed.

~Seed collection and processing opportunities

~Seed swaps

~Plant propagation for the following season.

Furthermore participants who garden in the Capitol Region Watershed District boundaries are eligible for bonuses which includes free access to the MN SEED Community Science Project webinars and more.

to signup & learn more head on over to